Abstract design made of cutout of male head and symbolic elements on the subject of human mind, consciousness, imagination, science and creativity


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Brain health is a person’s capability to function effectively in daily life and work. This includes making intelligent decisions, resolving problems, interacting successfully with others, and enjoying mental balance. All functions require the capability to remember, grasp and learn; to process information, events and people; to think planned and to be advance in solving problems as they arise. Our brain changes frequently in line with how we use it to think, interact, learn, feel and imagine. Our habits can contribute to or diminish from the brain’s performance.

Healthy brain is very important for every human being. Even before you leave the belly, your brain works throughout your life to control your body’s functions and help you to understand and interconnect with the world around you. If you maintain a healthy brain it will help your mind stay clear and active, so that you can continue to work, relax and play.

The importance of heart health has been promoted, but brain health is just as critical for our ability to think, react and live well. Brain health minimizes risk factors, keeps us energetic and makes us more effective.

Incurable conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure together with family history and the way we live our lives have an impact on the healthy function of our brains. All of these elements can increase the risk of expanding diseases like Alzheimer’s . We cannot change our genetic inheritance, but we can make lifestyle changes that can reduce the risk of developing dementia and mild cognitive decline.

The changes that we require to make our brains healthy are already shown to be good for the heart and all over health, so we all try to build them into our lives.

The choices we make in our life can have remarkable results on the health of our minds and our bodies as we mature. Suffering from brain disorder, stroke or other forms of mental illness is not just a matter of bad luck. Doctors and scientific researchers found that it’s possible to refine brain health and reduce the risk of dementia and age-related awareness decrease by making lifestyle changes.

Regular physical exercise, trimming bad habits like cigarettes and alcohol, eating a balanced diet and staying socially dynamic can all boost brain health. There is no hard and fast rule, we’ve all seen people who have still been affected by Alzheimer’s, for all being healthy and decent living. However, living well does make a real difference. Truly, a healthy lifestyle will not just reduce your risk of dementia, it will also protect against other serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.


The brain changes all around in life, adjusting to things we have learned and experienced. In a healthy brain, new connections regularly develop and broken ones are restored. As we get mature, specifically from middle age onwards, changes can start to happen within the brain so that there’s a moderate decrease in mental abilities. This is known as age-related awareness decrease, and it typically results in people becoming more forgetful and less mentally sharp. So, although brain health is important at every age, it becomes more important as we grow older.

Mental weakness is one of the most scaring aspects of aging, but it is not unpreventable, by working to improve brain health you can help maintain your memory, understanding, communication and quality of life.


Research shows that specific lifestyles and activities can improve the health and level of functioning or performing of our brains. Such improvement can happen when the rate of creation and survival of new neurons means nerve cell in certain parts of the brain is increased, or when the rate of creation and survival of brain (the connections between nerve cells) speeds up, or when a neurochemical environment is nurtured in our brains to support information processing.

Our lifestyle can work on our brain functions is that it puts our brain health more off in our control. However there is no magic formula behind this. As of now, it is not possible to define which things keeps our brain healthy.  It is like that there will never be one solution that solves all the challenges inherent in maintaining one’s brain health.


A healthy brain should include balanced nourishment, stress management, physical exercise, and brain exercise. Other factors may also have an impact. It is also important to maintain emotional connections. Not only with individually, have self-confidence and self-esteem, but also with our family members or our friends. Sleep and overall health conditions are other factors that also matter in healthy brain.


  • Balanced diet
  • Stress regulation
  • Physical exercise
  • Mental stimulation or neurological activity


Your brain is truly the most wonderful part of your body. It comes up with innovative ways to express your thoughts and emotions, correlate movements from chopping onions to running an hardship course, stores your most precious childhood memories, and solves the Sunday crossword. But it is easy to take those powers for granted.

Most people do not start thinking about their brain health until they notice some internal changes and memory loss in their 60s or 70s age. But there are many things you can do, starting as young as teenage, to keep your brain as healthy as possible throughout your lifespan. We know that intellectual pursuits, social interaction, and perhaps most importantly, physical activities are helpful in keeping our brain sharp.

The MIND diet – a mixture of the Mediterranean diet and the heart-healthy DASH diet, with an extra emphasis on berries and leafy greens — was created specifically to boost brain health. Coffee in the right dose can help focus and prevent brain disorder disease, but after two cups, the effects can become harmful and the tonic may get in the way of falling asleep.


Do a digital detox: Apply to the same bedtime each night and turn off all computerized and screens at least 30-60 minutes before you hit the pillow.

Dump your panic:  When you hit the pillow discard your all worries and a quick to-do list for tomorrow to help settle your brain. Our thoughts are always racing, produce anxiety. If you put down with pencil and paper, it informs your brain it does not have to be distressed about those things while you sleep.

Spend a moment meditating:  5-10 minutes of meditation will not peaceful your brain and make it trouble free sleep, meditation has been shown to decrease anxiety, depression, tiredness, and confusion. Meditation can help people with insomnia by helping them fall asleep and stay asleep.

Healthy life, healthy brain

Every day there’s a new health fear. Sugar, fat, cooking pans and pollution has all at some stage been point up as public health opponent. It can be difficult to know which direction we have to follow.

Control incurable conditions : High blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol can harm your brain health. Have regular health checks to monitor for any problems and ensure any medicament keeps these conditions under control.

Brain Training: Keeping the brain active is an important point of brain health. Challenging mental activities stimulate the development of new nerve cells connections and may encourage new cell generation. Try crosswords games, puzzles, crafts and books to keep your mind alert and ready for anything.

Live healthy life: Disciplined exercise does not just nurture your muscles, it can also increase the network of blood vessels that supply the part of the brain responsible for thought. Exercise also helps you stay slim, active, smart protects against diabetes and lowers blood pressure so it can protect your brain in many different ways.

Eat well: A balanced diet can nurture your mind and your body. The dietary programme can prevent reduce in brain health. Select fresh, natural process with lower levels of sugar, processed foods and soaked fats. Fruit, vegetables, skinny protein and healthy oils from olives, fish, nuts and avocados will help safeguard the brain.

Despair smoking – Smoking enlarge your risk of heart disease, hit and Alzheimer’s disease. When people who smoked between ten and twenty cigarettes a day had a 44 percent greater risk of getting mental illness. Despairing cigarettes is tough, but it can really help your brain stay sharp and healthy.

Enjoy alcohol in moderation: Too much alcohol can increase the risk of mental illness, but a little of what you fancy may actually do you good. Modest levels of alcohol, under the government recommendation of 14 units a week, may help to stop memory loss.

Be social: Friends and family are good for your brain health mental health. People with strong social connections tend to have lower blood pressure, a less risk of madness, and a longer life exaptation. Rather watching Netflix or Facebook, spend as much time as you can spend with your friends. When you are meeting with someone, the blood circulates to various different parts of your brain as you are listening and formulating responses.

And when you are connecting with friends, fewer chances to get depressed. Depression can hamper how well your brain works. If you are depressed or anxious, the brain becomes so engaging with what-ifs and worries that it is not able to give 100% to teaching new things.

Plenty of quality sleep: Sleep is a chance for our bodies to rest and repair the damage imposed by daily life. It can be difficult to focus and function when we are taking poor sleep, with most adults needing between seven and nine hours to perform at their mental peak.

The way to keep your brain working is shut it off for 7-9 hours a night. Rest is the major thing you can do to revise the brain, allow it to heal, and to restore mental health.

Physical Exercise

Walking for 30 minutes a day, taking a dance class, or going for a swim helps keep you slim and fit, and it could improve your mental health, too. Exercise boosts blood flow to the brain. It can increase the size of the neural structure, the part of the brain responsible for memory, which naturally shrinks as you age. Rehearse yoga is a superb way to get your body and mind working any time of the day. Take dance classes. Learn the latest line dance and put your body in motion. You will feel better.

Try New Things

Building new skills throughout your lifetime — how to cook different type of food, how to play an instrument, even learning the rules of new card games or traveling to an unfamiliar city — helps keep your brain healthy by always creating new connections between brain cells.

 Improve your blood pressure

High blood pressure in middle age increases the risk of internal decline in old age. Changes made in your lifestyle to keep your pressure as low as possible. Stay slope, exercise regularly, limit your alcohol to two drinks a day, reduce stress, and eat right.

 Improve your blood sugar

Diabetes is an important risk factor for mental illness. You can help prevent diabetes by eating right, exercising regularly, and staying slope. But if your blood sugar stays high, you will need medication to achieve good control.

Use your brain/mind: Performing tasks such as thinking through problems or avoiding the calculator for simple mathematical is one way to effort your mind.

Grabble: Play Scrabble with friends or play online. Scrabbling is a best way to get your brain thinking.

News Read: Keep up with current events. Whether your interest is politics, world news, or your local small-town gossip, staying current with the news refreshing your mind. Read books, magazines, and the back of cereal boxes. Study keeps your mind pushing, and you learn new things at the same time. It is surely a bonus if your reading in detailed has some depth to it.

Pastime: Start a new pastime or take up an old, forgotten one to get your creative extract flowing. Trimming the lawn, raking leaves, or just picking up the twigs that have fallen on the yard are all great ways to get exercise. Be curious about the world around you. If you hear an unknown word, focus it. See a flower you do not acknowledge observe what it is.

Tennis: The mental and physical refreshment of this admired game will have your brain health in top form.